Why I hunt?
I could give you a thousand different reasons why I hunt. There’s something about my family memories, the best ones all relate to the outdoors and hunting. I grew up asking my dad and my grandpa to take me along at every opportunity. I shot my first buck at the age of 11 and ever since that moment, I have been hooked. There are so many other reasons too, the friendships, the comradery, the peace of mind of being in the woods, the food that hunting provides. I’d be willing to bet if you asked this question to any hunter out there, they wouldn’t be able to give you just one reason because hunting is so much bigger than that.
Why do I focus on Whitetail?
Honestly…it’s because where I live there aren't any other big game opportunities. I grew up in the Midwest and have lived in both Wisconsin and Iowa; arguably two of the best whitetail states in the country. With that being said I grew up seeing, dreaming, and chasing big whitetails.
What tip do you have for a new photographer?
Never stop. EVER! What I mean by that is hold the shutter down a few extra seconds when taking pictures or if you are filming, let that baby roll on record! You never know what might happen, the best captures are the unexpected ones! You can’t go back in time and recapture a moment, but you can always delete what you don’t want when you’re done!
What tip do you have for a new hunter?
Have fun, shoot what gets your heart pumping, and don’t let the influence of others kill your expectations.

- 2 Tenderloins
- 6 Tablespoons salted butter
- 2 Tablespoons McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning
- 4 Eggs
- 4 Pieces of sourdough bread
- Preheat cast iron skillet to medium-high heat degrees F.
- Generously season venison tenderloins with Montreal Steak Seasoning
- Add butter to skillet and cook the steaks to medium rare
- Set steaks aside and cook the eggs in the same cast iron skillet. (My favorite is over easy, but you can do it however you like.)
- Toast your sourdough bread and add butter.
- Plate and serve!